Predavatelji 2023
Andrei Gheorghiu
Large Language Models - Current and Future Implications for Security

Meet Andrei Gheorghiu, a highly accomplished trainer with extensive knowledge in the Service Management and Security Management fields. With over a decade of experience in delivering training in IT Service Management, Information Systems Audit, and Information Security, he has had the privilege of working with thousands of students across various industries and countries. In addition to his role as a trainer, Andrei has also worked as an Internal IT Auditor and actively participates in various security or audit-related projects. He has a keen interest in technology trends, with a specific focus on security-related topics.
Božidar Radosavljević
Microsoft 365 Exchange Online Security tips

Owner and Consultant at PowerBML.
Christopher Cowling
European Covert Methods of Entry

20+ years of experience in cyber security for banks, blue chip, formula 1 and industrial control systems. Previously spoken at BerlinSides on hardware security and Proelium in Prague with this topic.
Cristian Cornea
Hacking Companies through BadUSB

Cristian Cornea is experienced Penetration Tester with various expertise, from finding vulnerabilities in web applications up to breaking into the cloud. Acknowledged for responsible disclosure to well-known organizations such as Sony, AT&T, Adobe, Pentagon, Swiss Post, Australian Government, U.S. General Services Administration. Creating infosec-related blog posts in free time, which helped a lot of people in the Cyber Security community.
Djoko Krstić
Broadcast Signal Intrusion - Hacking Radio Stations

Information Security Engineer / Founder - Zero Science Lab. Speaker: HITB - "I Own Your Building (Management System)" - 2019. BHack - "Digital Signage Systems - The Modern Hacker's Outreach" - 2020.
Gabriel Currie
Ready for (nearly) anything: Five things to prepare for a cyber security incident

Gabriel Currie is a security operations leader, with expertise across cyber incident response and remediation, threat intelligence, and threat detection. He currently leads the Cyber Defence team at the UK Government’s Cabinet Office. Previously, he ran PwC’s Cyber Incident Management function. In this role, he led the response to some of the UK's largest cyber security breaches and worked with major organisations to improve their security operations capabilities.
Holger Spohn
Cyberconflict in Ukraine

Born on the 29th of Feb 72 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
After attending school, which ended with a high school diploma, I joined the German Air Force.
There I made my masters in Electrical Engineering, after that worked in Air Traffic Controlling, from there became an IT officer which led me to the NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force Command (AWACS) in SHAPE.
I was a Communication officer in the HQ, with the responsibility for frequency management, Air and Ground communication, the Communication Budget of the HQ and related tasks.
Once finished, I left the military and I joined SHAPE as a NATO Civilian, working in the Intelligence Division (J2) as a CIS Security Supervisor.
Main job functions are inspections, policy development, incident management, security awareness, technical and threat advice and now Intel Support to the Cyber domain, which is a capability we want to build up for the future. I am also supporting CIS Security responsibilities for our operation on Afghanistan, which right now focuses on Train, Advice and Assist of the AFG security forces.
Jurica Čular
NIS2 Directive

Jurica Čular is a Security Governance Team Lead with the Infobip.
Jurica holds the Master of Computer Science (MCS) from the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zagreb. He also got an MBA diploma in Finance and Marketing from Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. As a cybersecurity professional, he is referencing himself with several information security certificates, like CISA, CISSP, and ISO 27001 LA.
Klaus Agnoletti
Implementing AppSec using common sense

Klaus Agnoletti has been an all-round infosec professional since 2004. As a long-time active member of the infosec community in Copenhagen, Denmark, he co-founded BSides København in 2019. Currently he's a freelance infosec professional specializing in security transformation and community focused marketing.
Kumar Vikramjeet
Fast track incident detection with UEBA (User and Entity Behavior Analytics)

Kumar Vikramjeet is a security engineer specializing in ML/statistics based security engineering and threat hunting. Currently working for Adobe’s Security Coordination team, Kumar did his master’s major in Information Security from Carnegie Mellon University. Kumar’s interest lies in threat hunting and security engineering/automation along with application of ML/statistics to strengthen proactive security posture.
Matthias Luft
Rage Against the Software Machine - A critical look at the state of supply chain security

Matthias Luft is the Security Lead for the cloud offerings at After more than 14 years in IT Security, he is still excited about a broad range of topics (from hypervisors via containers/clouds to IT security management/leadership) and has had the opportunity to present on them around the globe. Currently he works on container and cloud security engineering. In his free time, he enjoys the outdoors, martial arts, and spending time with dogs.
Miha Ozimek
Celovitost varovanja informacij pri preprečevanju hekerskih napadov

Miha Ozimek je opravil podiplomski magistrski študij računalništva in informatike ter specialistični študij informacijske varnosti s področja standardov informacijske varnosti in uvajanja politik varovanja informacij v organizacije. Trenutno je zaposlen v podjetju Sava Re d.d. Deluje pa tudi kot presojevalec sistemov vodenja kakovosti in varovanja informacij na SIQ Ljubljana. Presojal je sisteme kakovosti in varovanja informacij v večini slovenskih podjetjih, EU in državah JV Evrope. Od leta 2008 sodeluje kot gostujoči predavatelj na Fakulteti za varnostne vede na področju sistemov varovanja informacij.
Pete Finnigan
Adaptive Security in an Oracle Database

Pete Finnigan is one of the most well known experts in database security. Pete Finnigan created the SANS Oracle security step-by-step guide and the CIS Oracle benchmark used by NIST, USA DoD and more is a reference to secure Oracle databases. Pete worked out the mechanisms that Oracle used to protect PL/SQL and showed how they can be easily defeated at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas in 2006. Pete has published multiple books on databases security and speaks and publishes papers regularly. His company also produces the tool PFCLScan used to protect Oracle databases.
Robert Wagner
20 Free Ways to Improve Your Defenses Today

Robert Wagner has spent over 20 years helping organizations improve their security. He is a co-founder of the not-for-profit organization “Hak4Kidz”, is on the Board of Directors of the ISSA Chicago Chapter, and is a Security Executive in Chicago.
Sozon A. Leventopoulos
Retaliation within the Scope of Cybersecurity

CISSP, CASP+, CEH, ISO 27k LA, Security+, Network+
Senior Information Security Officer/Consultant and former military officer with more than 25 years of active military service, mainly in operational (current and future operations) planning and execution. Experienced professional in Chief Information Security Officer roles, both in national capacity and at the NATO, where I acted as Domain Site Administrator and Automatic Data Processing Officer. Able to provide holistic solutions, with experience in the operation, design, test, integration, and implementation of ICT systems (concept development, design, planning, functional tests, etc.), and have drafted or reviewed numerous operational or technical plans and directives regarding both military and ICT security projects. Holder of high-profile cybersecurity certifications, like CISSP, CASP+ and CEH, together with Network+ and Security+. Capable of working under time restrictions and in extremely complex situations, managing multiple data and providing nominal results. Strong analytical, quantitative, and organizational skills, including the ability to manage complex and varied workloads. A focused professional, with a proven capability to work in multicultural and diverse professional environments.
Uroš Babić
Azure AD incident response - life cycle, process and tools

Uroš Babić is a graduate in electrical engineering with more than 20 years of work in the public and private sector. He is currently employed in the Oil Industry of Serbia as a cyber security manager and Mictosoft Certified Azure Trainer in Semos Education, works in IT security tools administration system, deals with digital forensics and cyber security related to the management of incidents in the field of cybersecurity. He is involved in the design and implementation of Azure Cloud infrastructure and the migration of Azure cloud services. He is a Microsoft Certified trainer/Course Instructor: Azure Certified Devops, Azure Solutions Architect, Azure Security Engineer, Azure and EC-Council Certified Incident Handler, CompTIA Network+, Security+, Pentest +, CASP+, LInux L-100, 200.
List the presented topics: ESecurity Conference 2021 Belgrade: BEC fraud - cybercrime forensic investigations, ESecurity Conference 2022 Dark Web Forensics, Smart Governance Conference 2017: The role and importance of the human factor in cyber security, Identification and protection of critical infrastructure.
Wilson Tang
Machine learning for detecting sensitive documents on Sharepoint

Wilson Tang is an MS graduate in Computer Science from the University of Washington. He is currently working as a Data Scientist on the Threat Hunting team at Adobe. He has a diverse experience in machine learning and software engineering. His current role now allows him to explore new machine learning applications in the security domain. As a member of the Threat Hunting team, he focuses on anomaly detection to catch attacker behavior that is not currently being monitored with Adobe’s current defenses.