Ahsan Azad
Balanced approach: Offense and defense
Ahsan Azad works as the lead cybersecurity team at ABM Infotech. He has over six years of experience in cloud security, penetration testing, team building, and management. He has demonstrated his ability to lead, train, and manage security teams as well as develop and implement successful security strategies. He is committed to defending organizations against cyberattacks and security threats, and he is sure that he can continue to have a positive impact on any organization's security as long as he stays up to date on the latest security trends and technology.
Alen Horvat
Ne zaupaj, preveri!
Alen Horvat je vodilni arhitekt pri čezmejnem, več državnem projektu EBSI (Evropska blockchain infrastruktura storitev). Njegovo delo in raziskovalni projekti so osredotočeni na digitalizacijo odnosov zaupanja, vzpostavitev okvirov za izmenjavo preverljivih dokazil ter varnih sistemov za P2P izmenjavo podatkov. Aktivno sodeluje pri razvoju in oblikovanju digitalnih okvirov tako za pravne kot tudi fizične osebe ter prispeva k različnim standardom na področju digitalnih identitet. Poleg tega je prejemnik nagrade Kim Cameron, ki jo fundacija OpenID podeljuje mladim talentom na področju elektronskih identitet. Tudi v podjetju Netis, kjer je zaposlen, se posvečajo razvoju naslednje generacije elektronskih identitet in zagotavljanju varne in zasebne izmenjave preverljivih podatkov, dokazil in pooblastil.
Alex Holden
Penetration Testing For NOT Dummies
Alex Holden is the founder and CISO of Hold Security, LLC. Under his leadership, Hold Security played a pivotal role in information security and threat intelligence, becoming one of the most recognizable names in its field. Mr. Holden researches minds and techniques of cyber criminals and helps our society to build better defenses against cyber-attacks.
Baptiste David
Driver Device Risks and their Management in Enterprise Contexts
Dr. Baptiste David is an IT security specialist at ERNW, specialized in Windows operating system.
His research is mainly focused on malware analysis, reverse engineering, security of the Windows operating system platform, kernel development and vulnerabilities research.
He has given special courses and trainings in different universities in Europe. Also, he gives regularly talks on different conferences including Black Hat USA, Defcon, TROOPERS, Zero Night, C0c0n, EICAR, ECCWS, …
Bob van der Staak
What are syscalls and how they help bypass EDRs?
Bob van der Staak is an ethical hacker and cybersecurity enthusiast with a background in software development and technical informatics.
Boštjan Tavčar
Kibernetski napad na informacijski sistem URSZR
Boštjan Tavčar je diplomiral na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani na študijski smeri telekomunikacije. Od leta 1994 je zaposlen na Ministrstvu za obrambo, Upravi Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje. V preteklosti je bil vodja Centra za obveščanje Republike Slovenije. Od oktobra 2019 pa vodi Službo za informatiko in komunikacije. Zadolžen je za razvoj in delovanje informacijskih in komunikacijskih sistemov in storitev, številke za klic v sili in centrov za obveščanje na področju varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami. Je tudi avtor aplikacije za klic v sili za gluhe in naglušne, WAP112, ki je bila predhodnica oziroma prva aplikacija naslednje generacije klicev v sili NG112. Aplikacija je leta 2009 prejela nagrado, ki jo podeljuje evropsko združenje EENA. Je pobudnik uvedbe sistema eCall v Sloveniji, pri razvoju slovenske rešitve je tudi aktivno sodeloval. Udeležen je bil pri številnih evropskih projektih, med katerimi so U2010, MONET, ABSOLUTE, HeERO, NEXES in drugi. Je član Evropskega kluba 112. Evropsko združenje EENA mu je leta 2018 podelilo nagrado za življenjsko delo za zasluge na področju uvajanja in razvoja številke za klic v sili 112.
Catalin Curelaru
CTI Monitoring - Dark Web & InfoStealers: Uncovering Threats and Safeguarding Data
Catalin is a security professional specialised into Infrastructure and Product Security areas with a strong knowledge of Security Operations.
He works at Visma as a Security Operations Manager, providing technical leadership in various security areas, having a true desire to drive the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) field and building an Infrastructure Security Program through the Visma Security Program - VSP.
Catalin is the OWASP Timisoara Chapter Leader where he aims to create a strong local security community focused on improving the cyber security world and creating security awareness. He also has several recognized certifications in the security field and in his spare time he enjoys reading lots of cool stuff, playing football, biking and hiking.
David Volk
Razkritje temne strani umetne inteligence: Grožnje BlackHat AI v kibernetski dobi
David Volk je študent informacijske in kibernetske varnosti, specializiran za penetracijsko testiranje, je aktiven član fundacije SICEH. Poleg tega je tudi OSINT raziskovalec, spreten Python programer in ustvarjalen web developer. S svojim znanjem in strastjo za varnostno področje ter tehnološke inovacije si prizadeva za ustvarjanje varnejšega digitalnega okolja.
Emaad Abbasi
OPSEC Uncovered: Navigating the World of Operational Security
Emaad is an Ethical Hacker with a deep interest in Offensive Security. He is currently working as a Research Associate at the National Cyber Security Auditing and Evaluation Lab (NCSAEL), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in Islamabad, Pakistan. NUST is Pakistan's top university, and this cybersecurity lab has been involved in several cutting-edge cybersecurity projects in the past.
At NCSAEL, Emaad leads the Penetration Testing Team and has a proven record in the realm of Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. He has been involved in quite a few national-level penetration testing projects and has succeeded in finding and reporting critical vulnerabilities during these engagements. He is quite enthusiastic about Data Protection and has participated in several initiatives aimed at protecting the personal data of citizens.
Gregor Krapež
Tiskalniki: nepričakovana vhodna vrata za spletno kriminaliteto in vdor v mrežo
Z več kot 15 leti izkušenj v panogi tiskanja, dokumentnih sistemov, sejnih sob in kibernetske varnosti, si je Gregor ustvaril bogato znanje in vpogled v dinamično poslovno okolje. Kot izvršni direktor pri Vibor d.o.o. že od leta 2014 vodi in usmerja ekipo k stalnemu inoviranju ter zagotavljanju najnaprednejših rešitev za njihove poslovne stranke.
Jurica Čular
AI in Cybersecurity and vice versa
Jurica Čular is Security Governance Team Lead at Infobip.
Jurica holds the Master of Computer Science (MCS) from the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zagreb. He also got an MBA diploma in Finance and Marketing from Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. As a cybersecurity professional, he is referencing himself with several information security certificates, like CISA, CISSP, and ISO 27001 LA.
During his career in private sector, he was an information security consultant with financial institutions and banking, telco and biotechnology companies, providing them with support in establishing corporate cyber security environments, complying with regulatory demands and reaching out the industry standards. As an expert advisor at Information Security Standards Board (ISSB), he took part in major developments of the related Croatian legal and strategic regulatory frameworks.
Kumar Vikramjeet
IP ThreatWatch: Fast-track incident investigations with OSINT and Shodan
Kumar Vikramjeet is a senior security engineer specializing in ML/statistics based security engineering and threat hunting. Currently working for Adobe's Security Coordination team, Kumar did his master's major in Information Security from Carnegie Mellon University. Kumar's interest lies in threat hunting and security engineering/automation along with application of ML/statistics to strengthen proactive security posture.
Miha Lavrič
Prikaz napadov in vdorov s pomočjo orodja PICUS
Miha Lavrič je izkušen in certificiran strokovnjak na področju kibernetske varnosti, specializiran na področje analize in preprečevanje kibernetskih nevarnosti ter preprečevanje vdorov. Ima priznanje s področja uspešnega sodelovanja na mednarodnih vajah za kibernetsko varnost, kjer je poudarek na: zaščiti neznanih specializiranih sistemov; odkrivanju in ublažitvi napadov v velikih in zapletenih IT okoljih; dobro usklajenem timskem delu. Aktivno sodeluje pri številnih lokalnih in mednarodnih projektih s svetovanjem in vodenjem implementacije različnih varnostnih rešitev.
Milan Veljković
Prototype Pollution
Milan is security engineer with distinguished credentials, holds both OSWE and OSCP certifications, demonstrating his expertise in web penetration testing. With a robust background in cybersecurity, he actively contributes to safeguarding digital landscapes. Milan's professional journey is characterized by a commitment to excellence, showcasing a strategic approach in ensuring the resilience of systems. As an industry professional, he brings a wealth of experience and technical proficiency to the field.
Paul Coggin
Threat Hunting Space and Digital Energy with Physics
Paul Coggin is a Cyber SME at nou Systems, Inc. His expertise includes space systems, service provider, and ICS/SCADA network infrastructure attacks, and defenses, as well as large complex network design and implementation. Paul is experienced in leading network architecture reviews, vulnerability analysis, and penetration testing engagements for service provider, enterprise, space systems and tactical networks. Paul is a regular speaker and instructor at International conferences around the world. He has a BS in Math\Computer Science, MS in Systems Management, MS in Information Assurance and Security and a MS in Computer Information Systems. Paul is currently pursuing a MS in Space Systems. In addition, he holds numerous industry network and security certifications.
Ranjeet Ambarte
AI Exploitations
Cyber Security Professional/consultant having ten years of skilled experience focusing on VAPT, Application Security, Infrastructure Security, Cyber Attack, Threat Analysis, Security Research, Security Training, Security Awareness. Follow and use the techniques of Black box testing, Grey box testing and Whitebox testing.
Well known cyber security expert worldwide.
Member of OWASP Community.
Trained 1000+ college students.
Trained 500+ corporate employees.
Certified Ethical Hacker.
Global Cyber security speaker.
Consultant for Police Department.
Awarded by top institutions and universities.
Involved in cyber security social work.
Riccardo Cervelli
Teaching Cybersecurity in High School and ITS/IFTS Courses
Riccardo Cervelli has an ITIS specialization in Industrial Informatics, another in Electronics and Telecommunications and a degree in Computer Engineering.
Cisco instructor, EUCIP certified, sector expert for the Tuscany Region and for the Regional School Office, he teaches at high school, in post-diploma courses and has been a freelancer since the nineties.
He has written articles in specialized magazines and various computer books.
Roberto Chiodi
Pizza, Pasta and Red Teaming: insights and ideas for an efficient report
Roberto Chiodi is the Head of Yarix's RedTeam, that has the task of simulating the techniques used by real Threat Actors (or commonly, hackers) in order to test the resilience of networks, systems, applications and corporate IT and OT infrastructures.
Graduated in Software Engineering and Security at the University of Verona, he also deals with IT governance and compliance aspects, such as gap analysis with respect to the main international frameworks and best practices in the sector, as well as cybersecurity awareness activities.
Saša Hudjec
XDR Unleashed: The Next Frontier in Cybersecurity
Saša Hudjec, a distinguished cybersecurity engineer contributing significantly at anovis it-services and trading gmbh. Currently specializing in Cortex XDR and cybersecurity architecture, Saša is deeply immersed in the dynamic landscape of threat detection and response. Her commitment to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity, defending digital environments, underscores her dedication to this ever-evolving field. With a thirst for continuous learning and a readiness for new challenges, Saša is set to make a lasting impact in the world of cybersecurity.
Seyed Hojat Hosseini
Hunting the Shadows: Exploring Advanced Threats through Ethical Hacking
With seven years of cutting-edge experience in web penetration testing and mobile app security, Seyed Hojat Hosseini is not just navigating the cyber landscape; he is pioneering its evolution. Let's delve into the intricate realm of advanced cyber threats, where expertise meets innovation and defenses are fortified. It's more than a talk—it's a journey into the future of cybersecurity excellence.
Sozon A. Leventopoulos
The rise of hybrid threats
An ex-military staff officer with more than 25 years of experience in the Hellenic Armed Forces, where he served in operational planning and execution, training, and supervising roles. He is a Lead Instructor Trainer and a former NATO Missile Firing Installation accredited evaluator. He had assumed roles at the NATO and the EU Military Staff, and he was part of the implementation and organization team that created the Integrated Air and Missile Defence Center of Excellence. After his resignation he worked for both high-profile and large organizations, assuming the role of Senior Information Security Consultant, and for an innovative start-up where he acted as the project leader. He is a co-founder and subject matter expert in the domains of cyber warfare and civil-military partnerships at ZONOS SYSTEMS Consulting. He holds a master’s degree in “Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection” from the Athens University of Economics and Business, with Distinction/High Honors. He continues his academic journey pursuing a PhD in Cybersecurity/Cyberdefense. His academic focus is related to the international law applicable to cyber warfare operations. As a cybersecurity researcher, he participates in several projects related to cybersecurity, implementation measures related to national and EU legislation, and the holistic protection of the national critical infrastructure. He holds a number of high-profile cybersecurity-related certifications, such as the CISSP, CASP+, CEH, etc. He is also an accredited ISO 27001 lead auditor, and he was appointed as a “Cybersecurity Career Mentor” by the EC-Council. He had participated in various conferences and summits discussing the merge of cyberspace into modern military operations, with a special focus on air defence and critical infrastructure protection, together with the importance of a holistic approach in safeguarding critical assets.
Stefan Jankovic
Evil artificial intelligence and its influence
Stefan is an ethical hacker with a passion for cybersecurity and a proven track record in the field. Armed with a comprehensive set of certifications, including CompTIA Security+ and Network+, CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker), OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), OSWE (Offensive Security Web Expert), and TCM Security, he has demonstrated his expertise in securing digital landscapes.
Stefan's journey in the tech world began as a Linux System Administrator, honing his skills in managing and optimizing Linux-based systems. His proficiency extends beyond system administration, encompassing a deep understanding of programming languages such as Python and JavaScript, allowing him to navigate the intricate realms of cybersecurity with agility.
As a bug hunter, Stefan is committed to identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities in digital systems, contributing significantly to the enhancement of overall cybersecurity. His dedication to ethical hacking goes hand-in-hand with his continuous learning ethos, staying at the forefront of technological advancements to effectively counter emerging threats.
With a solid foundation in both defensive and offensive cybersecurity strategies, Stefan is a dynamic professional who thrives on challenges and is dedicated to creating a secure digital environment.
Stevan Bovan
XDR Unleashed: The Next Frontier in Cybersecurity
Stevan Bovan, an accomplished and dedicated Cyber Security Analyst. With extensive expertise in identifying vulnerabilities, analyzing risks, and implementing robust security measures. Stevan is a highly skilled professional in safeguarding digital systems. His comprehensive knowledge, continuous learning, and strong communication skills make him an invaluable asset in defending organizations from cyber threats.
Tadej Nared
Vračanje ukradenih kripto valut s pomočjo blockchain analitike
Tadej Nared je pobudnik, soustanovitelj in predsednik uprave fundacije SICEH z obširnimi referencami na področju kibernetske varnosti. V svoji karieri je deloval kot svetovalec večim NATO državam, bil vabljeni predavatelj na letnem zasedanju NATO parlamentarne skupščine, večkrat služil kot strokovna priča na temo kibernetske varnosti in kibernetskega vojskovanja pred kanadskim nacionalnim odborom za obrambo, ter na temo tudi predaval prestižnim slušateljem iz vrst ameriških, britanskih ter kanadskih obveščevalnih služb, specialnih enot ter oboroženih sil.
Tibor Zechmeister
Securing Health: Navigating Cybersecurity in Medical Devices under the Medical Device Regulation
Tibor Zechmeister is an experienced professional in the field of medical devices, particularly known for his role as an external auditor for the Notified Body SIQ. His expertise extends to having been a medical device manufacturer multiple times, demonstrating a deep understanding of both the regulatory and operational sides of the industry. He stands out for his focus on regulatory affairs, merging practical experience with a strong theoretical foundation. Tibor's career is marked by a commitment to improving health technologies and contributing to the field through his knowledge and experience.
Tudor Damian
NIS2 & CRA: Europe's Response to Cyber Shenanigans
Cybersecurity & Cloud Advisor
An IT consultant with more than 20 years of industry experience, Tudor is a Certified Ethical Hacker, and a Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP. His commitment to staying at the forefront of technology trends enables him to provide valuable guidance and support to organizations seeking to navigate the ever-changing IT landscape. His passion for sharing knowledge and engaging with the community has made him a regular speaker at local and regional community events, where he aims to provide valuable insights and guidance to professionals and enthusiasts in the IT industry.
In terms of expertise, Cybersecurity Strategy and Cloud Governance both rank highly among Tudor’s core interests, helping organizations develop effective strategies to leverage the power of Cloud computing and secure their operations. He also focuses on IT Governance & Risk Management, Data Protection, Business Process Optimization, and Digital Transformation.
Vivek Malik
IP ThreatWatch: Fast-track incident investigations with OSINT and Shodan
Vivek is a Sr Security Engineer at Adobe, Inc. focusing majorly on threat hunting and incident response along with design and development of tools that assist in enhancing the security visibility across the corporate infrastructure spectrum. With a particularly keen interest in purple teaming, he likes to leverage the findings with machine learning techniques to detect modern cyber threats.
Žiga Podgoršek
Penetracijska testiranja fizične in tehnične varnosti – primeri iz prakse
Žiga Podgoršek je zaposlen na Institutu za korporativne varnostne študije, ICS-Ljubljana kjer deluje na področju vodenja informacijske varnosti. Njegova glavna prioriteta so izvajanje varnostnih pregledov in penetracijskih testiranj IT okolij, s posebnim poudarkom na organizacije, ki upravljajo s kritično infrastrukturo. V letu 2018 je uspešno opravil izobraževanje in pridobil uradni certifikat etičnega hekerja (CEH). Kasneje je v svoji karieri kot prvi v Sloveniji pridobil certifikat: Certified Penetration Tester (CPENT). Prav tako je pridobil tudi številne druge certifikate s področja kibernetske varnosti kot so: Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Licensed Penetration Tester Master (LPT Master), CEH Practical, CEH Master, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), Incident Handler (ECIH), idr. Aktivno prispeva k razvoju kibernetske varnosti na evropski ravni, s sodelovanjem v različnih mednarodnih projektih, ki se osredotočajo na kibernetsko-fizično varnost kritične infrastrukture. Med drugim je kot član projektne skupine ICS-Ljubljana sodeloval pri izdelavi študije z naslovom »Metodologija za ocenjevanje tveganj v organizacijah kritične infrastrukture«, ki jo je naročilo Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije. Kot član projektne skupine ICS-Ljubljana je sodeloval tudi pri izdelavi študije z naslovom »Analiza potencialov kibernetske varnosti v Republiki Sloveniji«, ki jo je naročil Urad vlade RS za informacijsko varnost. V okviru Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Joint Special Operation University, USA in Instituta za korporativne varnostne študije je bila izdana knjiga z naslovom »Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection«, kjer je bil eden od strokovnih recenzentov omenjene knjige. Prav tako je član Slovenskega združenja korporativne varnosti ter stalni dopisnik visoko strokovne revije »Korporativna varnost« za področje informacijske in kibernetske varnosti.
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