Predavatelji HEK.SI 2022

Adrian Borlea


Windows Privilege Escalation

Petek, 28.01.2022
10:15 - 10:45
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Adrian Borlea is a security analyst since 2018 and has been a Windows systems administrator for about 8 years. Currently he is being involved in a cyber-security startup dealing with compliance and vulnerability management working to proactively find and fix potential weaknesses in the organization’s cybersecurity architecture.

Aleksandar Mirković

Dark Web

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
16:00 - 16:30
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Alessandro Magnosi


Defeating AV and EDR solutions in user-land by chaining well-known deception techniques

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
13:30 - 14:00
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Alessandro Magnosi is a senior cyber security consultant with more than 10 years of experience in the IT field. Currently, Alessandro is part of the Security Testing Team at BSI, which is the UK national standards body, and a Global certification, training and cybersecurity firm.
On top of his normal work, Alessandro is an independent researcher for Synack RT, and a passionate offensive tradecraft developer.

Alex Holden

Hold Security, LLC

Why I Go to the Dark Web Every Day

Petek, 28.01.2022
15:15 - 15:45
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Alex Holden is the founder and CISO of Hold Security, LLC. Under his leadership, Hold Security played a pivotal role in information security and threat intelligence, becoming one of the most recognizable names in its field. Mr. Holden researches minds and techniques of cyber criminals and helps our society to build better defenses against cyber-attacks.

Alex Nakouzi

Virtual machine exploitation and threat mitigations

Petek, 28.01.2022
12:45 - 13:15
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Alex Nakouzi is a motivated and ambitious Cyber Security graduate with a positive attitude and responsible work ethic gained throughout a three-year period of full stack web development expertise, and is currently employed as a penetration tester in a cyber security enterprise.

Alexis Ahmed


Bypassing UAC With UACMe

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
15:00 - 15:30
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Alexis Ahmed is an experienced penetration tester and security researcher with over 7 years of experience in the Cybersecurity industry. He started off his career as a Linux system administrator and soon he discovered a passion and aptitude for security and transitioned into a junior penetration tester. In 2017, he founded HackerSploit, a Cybersecurity consultancy that specializes in Penetration testing and security training where he currently works as a senior penetration tester and trainer.
He is also well-versed in securing enterprise networks, Linux servers, cloud infrastructure, and has extensive experience with Enterprise Linux system administration, specifically RHEL & CentOS.
In the Infosec & cybersecurity community, Alexis is better known as HackerSploit. That is his platform as a content creator on YouTube. His channel has a massive audience of over 600,000 subscribers! Alexis, as HackerSploit, delivers training content related to pentesting, info-sec, Linux, and malware analysis.

Andrei Buiu

Blockchain security threats - an updated perspective

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
14:00 - 14:30
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Andrej Tomšič

Informacijski pooblaščenec Republike Slovenije

Pravni izzivi varstva zasebnosti na področju umetne inteligence

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
09:45 - 10:15
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Je državni nadzornik za varstvo osebnih podatkov in namestnik informacijske pooblaščenke, ukvarja pa se predvsem s področji zavarovanja osebnih podatkov, hrambe podatkov v elektronskih komunikacijah, biometrijo in neposrednim trženjem. Po izobrazbi je magister informacijsko upravljavskih ved. Opravljen ima tečaj in izpit za vodilnega presojevalca za standard ISO/IEC 27001:2005.

Božidar Radosavljević

MCT and CEH trainer, ComTrade System Integration

Secure Power Platform Development

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
15:30 - 16:00
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Cristian Cornea

Attacking the Cloud

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
12:30 - 13:00
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Cristian Cornea is experienced Penetration Tester with various expertise, from finding vulnerabilities in web applications up to breaking into the cloud. Acknowledged for responsible disclosure to well-known organizations such as Sony, AT&T, Adobe, Pentagon, Swiss Post, Australian Government, U.S. General Services Administration. Creating infosec-related blog posts in free time, which helped a lot of people in the Cyber Security community.

Eslam Reda

Abusing healthcare APIs

Petek, 28.01.2022
11:15 - 11:45
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Gabriel Currie

Ready for (nearly) anything: Five things to prepare for a cyber security incident

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
14:30 - 15:00
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Gabriel Currie is a security operations leader, with expertise across cyber incident response and remediation, threat intelligence, and threat detection. He currently leads the Cyber Defence team at the UK Government’s Cabinet Office. Previously, he ran PwC’s Cyber Incident Management function. In this role, he led the response to some of the UK's largest cyber security breaches and worked with major organisations to improve their security operations capabilities.

Gertjan Franken

DistriNet-imec, KU Leuven

Never Judge An E-book By Its Cover: Exploiting EPUB Reading Systems Through E-books

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
12:00 - 12:30
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Gertjan Franken is currently active as a PhD student at imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven. His main interests lie in the field of web security and privacy. More specifically, he spends most of his time automating the evaluation of browser security and privacy policies.

Jameel Nabbo

Abusing healthcare APIs

Petek, 28.01.2022
11:15 - 11:45
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Klaus Agnoletti


CrowdSec: Leveraging the power of the crowd to fight back against cyber criminals

Petek, 28.01.2022
09:00 - 09:30
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Klaus Agnoletti has been an infosec professional since 2004. As a long time active member of the infosec community in Copenhagen, Denmark he co-founded BSides København in 2019.
Currently as Head of Community in CrowdSec one of his current roles is to spread the word. HEK.SI is a great place for that!

Luke McOmie

You’re Doing It Wrong!

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
16:30 - 17:00
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Mr. McOmie is a trusted advisor, security leader and mentor. With a career focus in offensive security and a strong technical background, he is recognized for his excellence in developing and executing enterprise security strategies and leading technical and tactical programs. He has founded and contributed to several industry leading organizations over his career including startups, fortune 100 enterprises, and federal agencies. As an extrovert, he passionately supports the information security community, is a featured speaker at various conferences, a published author, and an industry liaison for many businesses and organizations. 

Maksim Iavich

Post-quantum cryptography in 5G networks

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
11:00 - 11:30
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Maksim Iavich is PH.D. in mathematics and is a professor of computer science. He is the CEO & President of the Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA). Maksim is an affiliate professor and the head of the cyber security division at Caucasus University (CU). He is also the director of the cyber security center at CU. Maksim is a cyber security consultant for Georgian and international organizations. He speaks at international cyber security conferences and is the organizer of many scientific cyber security events. He has many scientific awards in the cyber security field. Maksim is the author of many scientific papers. The topics of the papers are cyber security, cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, quantum cryptography, 5G security, mathematical models and simulations.

Masayuki Hatta

End-To-End Encrypted Anonymous Messaging through the Dark Web

Petek, 28.01.2022
08:30 - 09:00
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Michael Stout


Petek, 28.01.2022
13:15 - 13:45
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Originally from Northern California, Michael has consulted and trained info/cyber-security professionals in government, military, law enforcement, and business from Greenland to New Zealand and all over Europe. He holds numerous accreditations and completed an MSc. in Information Technology (information security, specialization), where his dissertation focused on cyber warfare defense.
As a CISO for a London-based investment company, Michael shares his passion for info/cyber security by speaking at conferences, mentoring, training, and consulting. He is an engaging public speaker who is interactive, informative, and funny.

Miha Ozimek

Sava Re d.d. in SIQ Ljubljana

Celovitost varovanja informacij pri preprečevanju hekerskih napadov

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
08:45 - 09:15
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Miha Ozimek je opravil podiplomski magistrski študij računalništva in informatike ter specialistični študij informacijske varnosti s področja standardov informacijske varnosti in uvajanja politik varovanja informacij v organizacije. Trenutno je zaposlen v podjetju Sava Re d.d. Deluje pa tudi kot presojevalec sistemov vodenja kakovosti in varovanja informacij na SIQ Ljubljana. Presojal je sisteme kakovosti in varovanja informacij v večini slovenskih podjetjih, EU in državah JV Evrope. Od leta 2008 sodeluje kot gostujoči predavatelj na Fakulteti za varnostne vede na področju sistemov varovanja informacij.

Milan Veljković

Exploiting template injections

Petek, 28.01.2022
09:30 - 10:00
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Milan is senior penetration tester with extensive knowledge in web application and Android penetration testing. He loves finding vulnerabilities and exploiting them, as well as finding vulnerabilities in the source code. He holds multiple certifications of which notable is OSCP. He actively participates in CTF competitions and is always learning something new.

Nicholas Doropoulos

Planning for DDoS Resiliency in the Cloud

Petek, 28.01.2022
11:45 - 12:15
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Nicholas Doropoulos has been working in the IT industry for five and a half years. He worked as a computer technician at a public school for a year, he entered the cyber security field in 2017.
Within a short period of time he worked his way up from 1st to 3rd line support as a Network Security Engineer, gaining a plethora of industry certifications along the way. In 2019, he was given the 'Check Point Checkmates Champion' status due to his contribution to the community forum of Check Point, one of the top firewall vendors.
Since February 2020, he has been working as a Cloud Security Engineer at Amazon Web Services where he has already been given the title of 'AWS Q+ Champion' due to the highly positive customer feedback received. In November 2021, he was bestowed the highly prestigious AWS Shield SME award due to the anti-DDoS expertise he gained over the past two years while protecting customers from distributed denial of service attacks.
In addition, Nicholas is the founder of Security Charms, a platform of training courses and coaching products for cyber security professionals. His DNS Deep Dive course has also been published on Udemy.
In his spare time, he enjoys practising his OSINT skills by participating in Search Party CTFs for missing people and registering Google Dorks in Offensive Security's Google Hacking Database.

Nino Karamehmedović

Cybersecurity: The Big Short(age)

Petek, 28.01.2022
10:45 - 11:15
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Nino Karamehmedović is a self-taught ethical hacker with hands-on experience in everything from tech support and management, to freelance penetration testing. Always passionate about the hottest new CVEs on the web, he is constantly looking to both learn and teach, and is currently operating as a contractor out of Vienna, Austria.

Paul Coggin

nou Systems, Inc

Pwned in Space

Petek, 28.01.2022
13:45 - 14:15
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Paul Coggin is a Cyber SME at nou Systems, Inc. His expertise includes space systems, service provider, and ICS/SCADA network infrastructure attacks, and defenses, as well as large complex network design and implementation. Paul is experienced in leading network architecture reviews, vulnerability analysis, and penetration testing engagements for service provider, enterprise, space systems and tactical networks. Paul is a regular instructor at International conferences teaching networking, hacking and forensics courses. He has a BS in Math\Computer Science, MS in Systems Management, MS in Information Assurance and Security and a MS in Computer Information Systems. In addition, he holds numerous industry network and security certifications.

Pete Finnigan

Pete Finnigan Ltd.

Database Vault without Database Vault


Secure your data or Bust


Četrtek, 27.01.2022
11:30 - 12:00
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Četrtek, 27.01.2022
09:15 - 09:45
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Pete Finnigan is one of the most well known experts in database security. Pete Finnigan created the SANS Oracle security step-by-step guide and the CIS Oracle benchmark used by NIST, USA DoD and more is a reference to secure Oracle databases. Pete worked out the mechanisms that Oracle used to protect PL/SQL and showed how they can be easily defeated at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas in 2006. Pete has published multiple books on databases security and speaks and publishes papers regularly. His company also produces the tool PFCLScan used to protect Oracle databases.

Piyush Patil

Definitive Approach to Pentest Cloud

Četrtek, 27.01.2022
10:30 - 11:00
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Piyush Patil is currently working as a Senior Penetration Tester. He has worked in both the offense and defense side for 5+ years. He has found 50+ CVE's and holds numerous security certifications. From the educational side, he has a Bachelor's degree(BE) in Computer Science, Masters's degree(MS) in Cybersecurity.

Ranjeet Ambarte

Next Gen Social Engineering

Petek, 28.01.2022
14:15 - 14:45
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Ranjeet Ambarte is a well-known Ethical Hacker having 8 years of experience by serving different kind of services to International Clients, Government Agencies, Defence Services, Top Educational Institutions, Corporate Companies and so on. He has a Bachelor’s of Engineering degree in Information Technology and he is Certified Ethical Hacker as well. He assists people on online fraud and social media attacks.

Robert Wagner

20 Free Ways to Improve Your Defenses Today

Petek, 28.01.2022
14:45 - 15:15
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Robert Wagner has spent over 20 years helping organizations improve their security. He is a co-founder of the not-for-profit organization “Hak4Kidz”, is on the Board of Directors of the ISSA Chicago Chapter, and is a Security Executive in Chicago.

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