Predavatelji - HEK.SI 2018





Jurica ČularJurica Čular, Croatian Government's CERT
Jurica Čular graduated at Faculty of electronics and computer science, Zagreb, Croatia as Master of Computer Science. Got an MBA in finance and marketing at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Holds several information security certificates CISA, CISSP, ISO 27001 LA. Worked as an information security consultant for financial institutions and for Deloitte. Currently working as an expert advisor in Information Systems Security Bureau.



Miroslav ŠtamparMiroslav Štampar, Croatian Government's CERT
IT Security Advisor - Expert at Croatian Government's CERT, part of the Information Systems Security Bureau (ZSIS). Born in 1982, writing and breaking computer code for as long as he can remember. A PhD candidate with Master's Degree in Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb, Croatia. Also, open source contributor (sqlmap, Maltrail, tsusen, ipsum, etc.) and Croatian Chapter Lead for The Honeynet Project.


Balázs HambalkóBalázs Hambalkó, Balasec
Balázs is a Penetration tester, Researcher and SQL FAN. He has always had a strong fascination with Network Security (esp. Layer 2), MsSQL related security issues, and he is also interested in exploit development. He started his career in IT Security field 17 years ago with Reverse Engineering. Now he performs web application tests, exploit developments, infrastructure tests and configuration reviews. Sometimes he is asked for an MsSQL Performance Tuning project. He spends his free time with developing his ability in kernel exploits field, hiking, or playing table-tennis. Balázs proudly holds the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE), Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), MsSQL 2012 MCSA, MsSQL 2008 MCTS.

Mane PiperevskiMane Piperevski, Piperevski & Associates
M-r Mane Piperevski is security expert with over 10 years of experience and expertise in field of Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing and ICT Forensics. He works currently as CEO and IT Security Consultant at Piperevski&Associates and he is also contributor to open software security community as OWASP Chapter Leader for Macedonia. Recently published white papers “Hacker Attacks - Undetectable attacks from trojans with reverse communication” and “Hacking Attacks - Security Threats in IPv6 networks”. Holder of numerous security certifications (C|EH, E|CSA, C|HFI, E|CIH, E|CSP .NET, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, C|EI, MCT) and Europe highly ranged Cyber Crime instructor and trainer.

Alex ContiAlex Conti, Politecnico di Milano
I'm about to graduate in Physics at Università degli Studi of Milan. Thanks to courses I attended during my career I learned more about new programming languages. I experienced computer security for the first time by attending for pleasure professor Zanero’s course “Computer Security”.
Enthusiast of robotics and Artificial Intelligence I stepped in Computer Science by building and programming robots. Among the platforms I used are BasicStamp BS2 (upgraded by himself to BS2sx), Arduino Uno and Lego Mindstorm NXT.


Gregor PogačnikGregor Pogačnik, Fundacija SICEH
Gregor Pogačnik je zaposlen v podjetju Sportradar d.o.o. Delal je kot razvijalec programske opreme ter vodja sistemskih administratorjev. Zadnje čase poskuša izboljšati efektivnost razvoja (CI/CD) ter povezati oba svetova ("DevOps"). V tej vlogi ne zanemarja pogleda na računalniško varnost, pri čemer se z izkoričanjem ranljivosti v kontroliranih okoljih ukvarja bolj ljubiteljsko. Zanimajo ga porazdeljeni sistemi in kriptologija, zaradi česar je tudi navdušen nad tehnologijami veriženja blokov in kriptovalutami. Je član ACM, Bitcoin društva Slovenije in predstavnik strokovnega sveta Fundacije SICEH.


Primož ZupanPrimož Zupan, MBILLS d.o.o.
mag. Primož Zupan  je direktor MBILLS. Prvi Idea manager v Sloveniji, ki je pomagal preko internega inkubatorja ideji mBills premostiti razvojne težave do vzpostavitve startupa. Kot idea manager se je razvil v Halcomu. Njegove delovne izkušnje pred tem vključujejo pozicije: direktor prodaje v IT startupu Salviol, vodja kabineta Ministra za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, prodajni predstavnik IBM Slovenija. Odlikujejo ga močen entuziazem, strast, optimizem, dostopnost do ljudi, skrb za sodelavce in močan socialni kapital.


Jerica UrbančičJerica Urbančič, MBILLS d.o.o.
Jerica Urbančič je vodja marketinga v MBILLS. Včasih se mora pri svojem delu preleviti v »čarodejko za vau trenutke«, saj so v središču digitalizacije uporabniki, ki jih moraš navdušiti in v njih zanetiti iskrico zanimanja. Kot psiholognja odlično razume navade in vedenje ljudi, kar s pridom uporablja pri svojem delu. Jerica je mlada profesionalka, ki jo krasijo ambicioznost, strast do dela in neumorna energija, s katero se loteva vseh izzivov, ki ji pridejo na pot.



Mislav BorošMislav Boroš, INFIGO IS d.o.o.
Mislav Boroš graduated in 2012 in the field of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, Croatia.
During the 4 years of active duty military service as an army officer he took part in international NATO courses and activities related to cyber security.
Since December 2016, he is working as an Information Security Specialist at INFIGO IS, mainly on penetration testing projects.


Aleš AžmanAleš Ažman, Detekta d.o.o
Aleš Ažman je zasebni detektiv z licenco, zaposlen v podjetju Detekta, detektivsko-varnostna agencija in svetovanje d.o.o. Ima dolgoletne izkušnje iz vojske, posebej s področja CIMIC, saj je bil kot častnik SV tudi inštruktor v centru odličnosti Nata (CCOE) na Nizozemskem. Pridobljene izkušnje iz mirovnih operacij in šolanj v različnih oboroženih silah po svetu uspešno prenaša v civilno okolje. Kot zasebni detektiv se dnevno srečuje z izzivi na različnih področjih detektivskega dela, od vdorov v zasebnost, nezvestobe, preverjanja zaposlenih, do iskanja skritih oseb in njihovega premoženja. Orodje, ki ga pri svojem delu uporabljala je največkrat prav svetovni splet.

Tibor TajnšekTibor Tajnšek, Detektivsko Varnostna Agencija Dva Fokus d.o.o.
Tibor Tajnšek je pričel svojo poslovno pot kot licenciran samostojni detektiv leta 2006. V letu 2015 je ustanovil in postal direktor detektivsko varnostne agencije DVA FOKUS d.o.o., ki ponuja celoten spekter detektivskih storitev,
ukvarja se pa tudi z varnostnimi pregledi in varnostnim svetovanjem. Prav tako je od leta 2006 pooblaščeni sodni vročevalec in uspešno vroča pisanja vseh sodišč po Sloveniji. Že nekaj let aktivno sodeluje pri izobraževanju novih detektivov kot
predavatelj na Centru za poklicno usposabljanje v programu Detektiv; Izvajanje detektivskih upravičenj in občasno sodeluje kot predavatelj na Fakulteti za varnostne vede. Je član "The Israeli bureau of private investigators", kjer se je tudi izobraževal in pridobil
obširna strokovna znanja. Svoje mesto zaseda v upravnem odboru Detektivske zbornice Slovenije.

Mojca PrelesnikMojca Prelesnik, Informacijski pooblaščenec Republike Slovenije
Mojca Prelesnik je univerzitetna diplomirana pravnica s pravosodnim izpitom.
Avtorica strokovnih člankov in soavtorica knjig s področja dostopa do informacij javnega značaja, varstva zasebnosti in osebnih podatkov, predavateljica na številnih izobraževanjih, usposabljanjih in strokovnih konferencah ter srečanjih (s področja širše javne uprave, delovnega prava, inšpekcijskih postopkov, zdravstva, šolstva, arhivov, gospodarstva, itd.).
Poleg pravnega znanja ima tudi izkušnje na področju zakonodajnega postopka, managerskega dela, vodstvene in organizacijske sposobnosti s področja dela javne uprave, vodenja in finančnega poslovanja. 
Z dostopom do informacij javnega značaja se je začela ukvarjati že leta 2002 na Ministrstvu za informacijsko družbo, kjer je sodelovala pri pripravi predloga zakona o dostopu do informacij javnega značaja in bila v času zaposlitve tudi uradna oseba po ZDIJZ. 
Področje varstva osebnih podatkov je postalo njeno delovno področje leta 2006, ko se je Pooblaščenec za dostop do informacij javnega značaja preoblikoval v Informacijskega pooblaščenca in pridobil pristojnost dotedanjega Inšpektorata za varstvo osebnih podatkov pri Ministrstvu za pravosodje. 
Znanje in izkušnje, pridobljeno v času zaposlitve, najprej na Ministrstvu za informacijsko družbo in nato pri Informacijskem pooblaščencu, je kot generalna sekretarka Državnega zbora lahko še dodatno nadgrajevala v praksi in dobila vpogled v poslovanje kot predstojnica upravljavca številnih zbirk osebnih podatkov in zavezanca za dostop do informacij javnega značaja. Iz letnih poročil po ZDIJZ izhaja, da je Državni zbor v obdobju 2008-2014 izkazal visoko stopnjo dostopnosti do informacij javnega značaja in transparentnega poslovanja. Kot upravljavec zbirk osebnih podatkov je Državni zbor v istem obdobju bistveno izpopolnil in izboljšal zavarovanje zbirk in zaščito osebnih podatkov.
Na predlog predsednika republike Boruta Pahorja jo je Državni zbor 4. 7. 2014 izvolil za informacijsko pooblaščenko. Petletni mandat je informacijska pooblaščenka začela 17. 7. 2014.


Urban SuhadolnikUrban Suhadolnik
Urban Suhadolnik je študent 2. letnika Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko. Z računalništvom se ukvarja že od otroštva. V zadnjih dveh letih pa se je začel poglobljeno ukvarjati in udeleževati konferenc s področja računalniške varnosti in etičnega hekanja.




Matej Lamut SkokMatej Lamut Skok, NLB d.d.
Matej Lamut Skok že 30 let deluje v IT-ju. V začetku kot razvijalec programske opreme, zadnjih 15 let pa v Novi Ljubljanski banki opravlja naloge varnostnega inženirja. Diplomiral je na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko in magistriral na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Je nosilec strokovnega naziva CISA ter certifikata CIS – SIQ Information Security Manager.



Yevheniia VolivnykYevheniia Volivnyk, CERT-UA
Yevheniia Volivnyk graduated from the Institute of Special Communication and Information Protection of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". Since 2015, she is working as an Information Security Specialist at the State Center of Cyber Defense and Cyber Threats Counteraction of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.



Andraž JelencAndraž Jelenc, FRI/FMF
Andraž Jelenc je študent zaključnega letnika dodiplomskega študija računalništva in matematike, ki ga skupaj izvajata FMF in FRI. Raziskuje na področju računalniške varnosti in kriptografije pri čemer sodeluje z Laboratorijem za kriptografijo in računalniško varnost na FRI. Osredotoča se na odkrivanje inovativnih načinov lomljenja klasičnih šifer, avtomatizacijo napadov na brezžična omrežja ter alternativne metode avtentikacije končnega uporabnika.


Anže NunarAnže Nunar, FRI/FMF
Anže se je z računalnikom srečal še preden je začel obiskovati vrtec, z osnovami kriptologije pa kmalu zatem, ko je bil njegov oče, po večkratnem sesutju operacijskega sistema, prisiljen računalnik zakleniti z BIOS geslom. Prvo geslo mu je kmalu uspelo ugotoviti, saj tričrkovnih kombinacij res ni veliko, kajne? Oče nad tem sicer ni bil najbolj srečen, navdušenje, kaj vse se skriva v svetu kriptologije (in matematike) pa je bilo vedno večje. Anže trenutno zaključuje interdisciplinarni magistrski študijski program Računalništvo in matematika na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani.


Gorazd RolihGorazd Rolih, Slovenska vojska
Major Gorazd Rolih na Poveljstvu sil Slovenske vojske vodi odsek za kibernetsko delovanje. Večino svoje kariere v Slovenski vojski se ukvarja z informacijsko tehnologijo, zadnjih 10 let, vmes tri leta v NATO, pa z managementom informacijske varnosti.




Gorazd BožičGorazd Božič, SI-CERT
Gorazd Božič je vodja nacionalnega odzivnega centra za omrežne incidente SI-CERT (Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team). Odzivni center SI-CERT v okviru javnega zavoda ARNES od leta 1995 dalje preiskuje vdore v računalnike, okužbe z računalniškimi virusi in pomaga uporabnikom pri raznovrstnih drugih zlorabah na internetu, tudi preko programa ozaveščanja Med letoma 2000 in 2008 je Gorazd Božič predsedoval evropski skupini odzivnih centrov TF-CSIRT in je predstavnik Slovenije v upravnem odboru Evropske agencije za omrežno in informacijsko varnost ENISA.



Pete FinniganPete Finnigan, Oracle Security specialist
Very experienced and expert in the area of securing Oracle databases. Pete has a deep understanding of every aspect of auditing, designing and teaching in the areas of Oracle security.
Pete is a member of the OAK table - a group of Oracle scientists and also an Oracle ACE for security.
Pete has sucessfully performed security audits for major world wide and UK companies, government organisations and departments. Pete has also taught Oracle security audit and hacking practices to many organisations ranging from commercial, military to government and private sector.
A sought after speaker at many events world wide including events such as PSOUG, UKOUG, RISK and BlackHat. Pete has also been published many times in many media and has also authored the book Oracle security step-by-step as well as two chapters of the Oak Table book for Apress. He will also release his new book - Oracle Incident response and forensics - with Apress in December 2017
Pete is also an accomplished C programmer, shell scripting, PL/SQL, .NET languages, Perl and has a passing aquantence with many other programming languages.
Pete is familiar with all Oracle security technologies including but not limited to, TDE, VPD, OLS, Audit trail design and implementation, FGA, Security audits of Oracle, design work, encryption, PCI, RBAC, Secure application roles, security triggers and much more.
His company also produces and licenses a powerful framework based database security vulnerability scanner. We also protect PL/SQL code with our tools and locally in the UK we also help clients comply with the EU cookie privacy laws by conducting web site audits - see

Matija VerićMatija Verić, Atia Consulting
Matija Verić is an IT professional with more than 17 years of professional experience and long international business development and sales history, who managed and/or developed business for some of the key IT players all over Europe, strongly focused on information security.



Jan ŽoržJan Žorž, Go6 / Internet Society
Jan Žorž started his professional career in RS-232/VAX VMS world in 1992 and continued through Novell and Windows environments all the way to Solaris and other UNIX derivatives that today represent the native environment for the majority of his projects. Jan is the Internet Society's Operational Engagement Programme Manager. He works on operational initiatives to ease the deployment of IPv6 and other technologies. He is also working to help the industry document best-current operational practices and to improve operator feedback to the IETF.
Jan is one of the pioneers of SiOL, the Slovenian national ISP, and has been involved in the organization from the beginning. Among other activities, he began experimenting in 1997 with Internet streaming multimedia content. Based on these experiments, he successfully accomplished projects such as "Dhaulagiri '99 Live" (an Internet multimedia transmission of Tomaz Humar's solo climb of the south wall of Dhaulagiri (called Death Zone in the Himalayas), "Ski Everest Live 2000" (an Internet live-video transmission and monitoring of extreme skiing from the summit of Mt. Everest by Davo Karnicar) and other similar projects. Together with two other members of the team "Dhaulagiri '99 Live", Jan received a media award/statue "Victor" for special achievement.
For the last seven years, Jan has been working as a consultant in the IT field, specializing in IPv6. He co-founded the Go6 institute (not-for-profit), a Slovenian IPv6 initiative whose main objective is to raise IPv6 awareness in Slovenia and alert the community to the fact that we are approaching extensive changes on the Internet.
Due to the success of Go6 Institute, Slovenia is currently leading the EU as the country most prepared for IPv6 (according to the RIPE NCC's IPv6 RIPEness study). Jan has been invited to present around the world on his work, the model of the Go6 platform, IPv6 awareness raising and deployment at the national level. These speaking engagements have included conferences such as RIPE Meetings, Google IPv6 Implementors Conference 2010, Internet Governance Forum meetings, OECD meeting, World IPv6 Congresses (Paris and London), as well as national forums in Germany, Greece, Norway, Macedonia, Oman, Brazil and many others.
Jan is also primary co-author of a very successful procurement (specification) paper, published as official RIPE Best Current Practice document RIPE-501, titled "Requirements For IPv6 in ICT Equipment". This document is translated into more than 10 languages and is used around the world by enterprises and governments when requesting IPv6 features in ICT equipment purchases. RIPE-501 was recently replaced by RIPE-554, also co-authored by Merike Kaeo, Sander Steffann and Jan Žorž.

Primož CigojPrimož Cigoj, Institut Jožef Stefan
His main areas of interest are information security, digital forensics, fight against cybercrime, and cloud computing. Moreover, he is a Certified Ethical Hacker since this year and has over 15 years of experience carrying out security checks and penetration tests. He has completed internet security reviews and penetration testing in complex environments including banks, insurances companies, ministries, schools and companies with critical infrastructure.
Currently, he is employed by Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Besides that, he is completing the doctoral dissertation in the information and communication technologies at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. Primož Cigoj participates in European Funded H2020 projects including the LIVE-FOR project (Criminal Justice Access to Digital Evidences in the Cloud – LIVE-FORensics). Besides that, Primož Cigoj is a CEO of SME software Development Company, RSteam d.o.o. based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with strong background in web and mobile application development with over 10 years of programming experience.
Moreover, he is the Internet Society (ISOC) representative in Slovenia since 2011. ISOC is a global cause-driven organization governed by a diverse Board of Trustees with dedication to ensuring that the Internet stays open, transparent and defined by the user.

Andrej VnukAndrej Vnuk, ALEF Distribucija SI, d.o.o.
Andrej Vnuk se že več kot 20 let ukvarja z varnostjo v IT. Po dolgoletnem postavljanju in vzdrževanju rešitev kot so požarne pregrade, VPN, spletni prehodi, zaščita elektronske pošte in druge, se je v zadnjih letih posvečal predvsem odkrivanju ranljivosti in širjenju »vere v Splunk«. Redno je predaval tudi na javnih dogodkih in konferencah s področja informacijske varnosti. Od lani je v vlogi distributerja računalniških rešitev zadolžen za širjenje partnerske mreže, ozaveščanje javnosti in iskanje novih rešitev s področja upravljanja varnosti in omrežij. Trenutno je regijski tehnični in prodajni koordinator za programa Flowmon in KEMP.


Boštjan ŠpehonjaBoštjan Špehonja, Fundacija SICEH
Boštjan Špehonja je specialist informacijske varnosti ter soustanovitelj Fundacije SICEH. Zaposlen je v podjetju Unistar LC, kjer je odgovoren za izvajanje varnostnih pregledov in penetracijskih testov. Ima širok nabor izkušenj, saj mu je pregled svojega IKT okolja zaupalo že veliko organizacij, kot so podjetja s kritično infrastrukturo, banke, zavarovalnice, ministrstva ter veliko drugih podjetij. Izvaja tudi izobraževanja ter praktične delavnice na temo varne uporabe interneta in je certificirani etični heker (CEHv9).

Elijah B. Hlastan, Fogy Tech
As a security enthusiast, I am happiest when I can solve riddles in security breaches, whether in my home, school or elsewhere. After finishing computer high school this coming spring, I plan to build a career in cyber security and penetration testing. My end goal is to help protect people from the crimes that occur daily on the deep web. At the moment, my partner and I are in the beginning stages of a start-up product through our new company FOGy.

Žiga Deutschbauer, Fogy Tech
My name is Žiga Deutschbauer and I am a eighteen years old student, coming from Slovenia. I am currently attending High school for electronics and computer science in Velenje. I am in fourth year of a program to become a computer technician.
I was always seen as advanced kid, always one of the smartest in class. I had been an excellent student all my years of schooling. My strongest subjects are math and computer programming. But only attending school has never satisfy my need of wanting to know and to learn more.
I have been competing in math competitions since I remember and in last two years I have also won gold awards. In my free time I am on the computer a lot where I improve my programming knowledge with learning different computer languages and trying to make programs with cmd and linux terminal.
But that is just not enough for me, like I said: I want adventure. Not only it would be an adventure and one of the best experience, but it would also be an opportunity for me to feed my brain with more knowledge which would be an excellent foundation for me to build a career doing things I am passionate about.

Matjaž PušnikMatjaž Pušnik, KPMG Poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o.
Matjaž je vodja oddelka IT svetovanje v podjetju KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o. ter ima več kot 15 let izkušenj v zelo zahtevnih domačih in mednarodnih poslovnih in informacijskih okoljih na področju IT svetovanja in revizije informacijskih sistemov. Njegovo delo zajema predvsem izvajanje pregledov in revizije informacijskih sistemov, dajanja zagotovil za finančne in nefinančne družbe ter svetovanje na področju informacijskih tehnologij.
Je član organizacije ISACA in imetnik naslednjih certifikatov: CISA (certificiran revizor informacijskih sistemov), CRISC (certificiran strokovnjak za upravljanju tveganj in nadzor informacijskih sistemov) ter PRIS (preizkušen revizor informacijskih sistemov).

Taja AndrejTaja Andrej, KPMG Poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o.
Taja je svetovalka v oddelku IT svetovanje v podjetju KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o.. Ima večletne izkušnje na področju svetovanja na področju informacijske varnosti, vzpostavljanja sistemov varovanja informacij ter izvedbi presoj po standardu ISO 27001 ter svetovanja na področju varstva osebnih podatkov in zasebnosti.
Je članica organizacije ISACA in imetnica naslednjih certifikatov: CISM (certificiran manager informacijske varnosti) in ISO 27001 Lead Auditor.



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