
Raj Samani, McAfee EMEARaj Samani
Raj Samani is an active member of the information Security industry, through involvment with numerous initiatives to improve the awarness and application of security in business and society. he is currently working as the VP, Chief Technical Officer for McAfee EMEA, having previously worked as the Chief Information Security officer for a large public sector organisation in the UK and recently industed into the Infosecurity Europe Hall of Fame (2012). He previously worked across numerous public sector organisations, in many cyber security and research orientated working groups across Europe. Examples include midata Interoperability Board, as well as representing DIGITALEUROPE on the Smart Grids Reference Group established by the European Commission in support of the Smart Grid mandate, and is author of the recent Syngress book "Applied cyber Security and the Smart Grid". In addition, Raj is currently the Cloud Security Alliance's Chief Innovation Officer and previously served as Vice president for Comunications in the ISSA UK Chapter where he presided over the award of Chapter Communications Programme of the year 2008 and 2009. he is also Special Advisor for the European cyberCrime Centre, also on the advisory council for the Infosecurity Europe show, Infosecurity magazine, and expert on both and Infosec portal, and regular columnist on Computer Weekly. He has had numerous security papers published, and appeared on televison commenting on computer security issues. he has also provided assistance in the 2006 RSA Wireless Security Survey and part of the consultation committee for the RIPA Bill (Part 3).

Blaž IvancBlaž Ivanc, Institut Jožef Stefan
Blaž Ivanc je raziskovalec na Institutu Jožef Stefan, kjer deluje na področju informacijske varnosti. Njegovi ožji področji dela sta tehnična, taktična in proceduralna zasnova ter analiza informacijskih napadov v kritični infrastrukturi. Na Institutu Jožef Stefan se v okviru razvoja panevropske infrastrukture za izmenjavo podatkov ukvarja z varnostnimi vidiki informacijsko-komunikacijskih sistemov služb javne varnosti. Avgusta 2015 je na mednarodni varnostni konferenci v kitajskem Nanjingu za prispevek s področja analize naprednih kibernetskih napadov prejel nagrado za najboljši referat. Bil je tudi strokovni vodja 1. mednarodne znanstvene konference s področja obveščevalno-varnostne informatike, ki je potekala v Sloveniji.


Federico MaggiFederico Maggi, Politecnico di Milano
Federico Maggi is interested in various topics under the “cyber security” and "cyber crime" umbrella terms, including threat analysis and intelligence, malware analysis, mobile malware, fraud analysis and detection, web- and social-network security and data visualization. A distinctive aspect of his work on threat analysis is the use of learning-based and otherwise data-driven approaches.
He is currently an Assistant Professor at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano in Italy. He has been the General Chair of DIMVA 2015, PC chair of EUC 2014 and PC member of several conferences and workshops including TRUST, MALCON, DIMVA, CSS, SecureComm, WISTP. He received a National grant (FIRB 2013) of about 250kEUR to investigate on advanced techniques for malware detection. Moreover, he is and has been actively involved in 3 successful EU projects and 1 national project. He has given several lectures and talks as an invited speaker at international venues and research schools. His research is recognized by other research groups with which he collaborates, namely: UCSB, FORTH, NEU, Stony Brook, KU Leven, and RHUL. During his Doctorate, he made contributions in the field of intrusion detection: he has developed and tested anomaly-based tools to mitigate Internet threats by (1) avoiding their spread via vulnerable web applications, (2) detecting unexpected activities in the operating system’s kernel (sing of malware infections or compromised processes), and (3) dealing with high number of alerts using alert correlation.

Franci ČečFranci Čeč, S|CEH - Slovenian certified ethical hackers
Franci Čeč je eden od ustanoviteljev fundacije SICEH. V svoji profesionalni karieri se ukvarja z razvojem človeškega potenciala, je ustanovitelj Inštituta za coaching, v zadnjem obdobju pa svoja znanja in izkušnje s področja vedenjskih značilnosti človeka prenaša v preučevanja socialnega inženiringa, ki temeljijo na človeški interakciji.  




Aleš GermovšekAleš Germovšek, S|CEH - Slovenian certified ethical hackers
Aleš Germovšek, ustanovni član SICEH. Dela v nevladnem sektorju na področju dela z mladimi in se ukvarja z organizacijo in menedžmentom. Deli skrb z drugimi glede internetne varnosti in varne uporabe tehnologij in išče rešitve na tem področju.




Tadej NaredTadej Nared, S|CEH - Slovenian certified ethical hackers
Tadej Nared je pobudnik in soustanovitelj fundacije SICEH, tehnološki entuziast in raziskovalec varnostnih ranljivosti. V 20 letih dela na področju IT je bil aktiven kot razvijalec, predavatelj, svetovalec in direktor v tehnoloških podjetjih tako doma kot v tujini, v zadnjem času kot direktor neprofitnega Zavoda Trismegistus svoje izkušnje prenaša na mlajše generacije tehnoloških navdušencev.



David PetekDavid Petek, S|CEH - Slovenian certified ethical hackers
David Petek je eden izmed ustanovnih članov SICEH - Slovenski certificirani etični hekerji. Dela kot programer in administrator v zavodu Trismegistus, kjer razvija spletne aplikacije in rešitve po meri za eCommerce platforme. Je podiplomski študent psihologije ter se ukvarja z umetno inteligentnostjo in raziskovanjem na področju informacijske varnosti, predvsem z iskanjem ranljivosti spletnih aplikacij. Ima CompTIA Security+ certifikat.




Zubair KhanZubair Khan, Tranchulas 
Zubair Khan is CEO of Tranchulas. He has more than a decade of industry experience in assessing and implementing IT security of large enterprises. Zubair has conducted security trainings at various forums. He has previously presented at renowned security conferences including Luxembourg, Hack In The Box Malaysia, ISS World. He is Honoree for Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievement Program by (ISC)2. He is CISA, CISM and also ISO27001 Auditor. Zubair holds a bachelor’s degree in Business IT from Curtin University of Technology, Australia. 



Grega PrešerenGrega Prešeren, S&T d.d.
Grega Prešeren se od vsega začetka profesionalne kariere primarno ukvarja z revizijami varnosti informacijskih sistemov, varnostnimi pregledi in vdornimi (penetracijskimi) testi. V podjetju Astec je od leta 2010 vodil in izvedel več kot 50 varnostnih pregledov omrežij, IT storitev, spletnih, mobilnih in drugih aplikacij, industrijskih sistemov ipd. Od leta 2015 je član varnostne ekipe v podjetju S&T. Je nosilec večih strokovnih certifikatov s področja informacijske in aplikacijske varnosti (GXPN, GWAPT) in informacijskih omrežij (CCNP, CCNA Security, CCAI). Izvaja tudi izobraževanja s področja aplikacijske varnosti in večkrat letno predava na konferencah s področja informacijske varnosti.


Gorazd BožičGorazd Božič, SI-CERT
Gorazd Božič je vodja nacionalnega odzivnega centra za omrežne incidente SI-CERT (Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team). Odzivni center SI-CERT v okviru javnega zavoda Arnes od leta 1995 dalje preiskuje vdore v računalnike, okužbe z računalniškimi virusi in pomaga uporabnikom pri raznovrstnih drugih zlorabah na internetu, tudi preko programa ozaveščanja Med letoma 2000 in 2008 je Gorazd Božič predsedoval evropski skupini odzivnih centrov TF-CSIRT in je predstavnik Slovenije v upravnem odboru Evropske agencije za omrežno in informacijsko varnost ENISA.



Andrej RosanoAndrej Rosano, Inverse Path
Andrej Rosano je računalniški svetovalec in raziskovalec na področju informacijske varnosti pri Inverse Pathu. Delovno pot je začel kot administrator računalniških sistemov pri akademskih raziskovalnih institutih. Prednostni interesi na področju informacijske varnosti so mu zaščita embedded sistemov različnih industrijskih segmentov.



Jurica ČularJurica Čular, Croatian Government's CERT
Jurica Čular graduated at Faculty of electronics and computer science, Zagreb, Croatia as Master of Computer Science. Got an MBA in finance and marketing at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Holds several information security certificates CISA, CISSP, ISO 27001 LA.Worked as an information security consultant for financial institutions and for Deloitte. Currently working as an expert advisor in Information Systems Security Bureau.






Miroslav ŠtamparMiroslav Štampar, Croatian Goverment's CERT
IT Security Advisor - Expert at Croatian Government's CERT, part of the Information Systems Security Bureau (ZSIS), born 1982 in Vukovar, Croatia. Writing computer code for as long as I can remember. A PhD candidate with Master's Degree in Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb, Croatia. Hacker, problem solver, occasional CTFer and one of sqlmap authors, open source project for automated detection and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities. Also, Croatian Chapter Lead for The Honeynet Project.


Zsolt NemethZsolt Nemeth, Camphora Consulting
Zsolt Nemeth is a serial entrepreneur who set up and run businesses in cyber security. His main interests are cryptography and network security. He founded MDS Ltd in the UK. He has consulted for financial institutions and built up bespoke solutions for them. After selling the company he has founded MDS Holding that has scouted, bought and licenced technologies. Now he runs a startup based on Fraunhofer's technology. He has 11 years of experience in startups. Zsolt holds a Master of Science degree in Economics from Szechenyi Istvan University and a Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from Ecole National Superieure. Zsolt also obtained a business degree at Brookes University, Oxford.



Toni KastelicToni Kastelic, MNZ - Policija, Uprava kriminalistične policije
Toni Kastelic dela na področju preiskovanja računalniške kriminalitete in digitalne forenzike od leta 1999, ko se je v slovenski policiji začelo povečevati število prijav kaznivih dejanj računalniške kriminalitete, kot so vdori v informacijske sisteme, spletne goljufije in druga kazniva dejanja na internetu. Kot vodja Centra za računalniško preiskovanje v Upravi kriminalistične policije skrbi za izbor kadrov, računalniške opreme, strokovna usposabljanja in mednarodno sodelovanje z drugimi varnostnimi organi za področje računalniškekriminalitete in digitalne forenzike. Je član odbora Sveta Evrope, ki skrbi za izvajanje Konvencije o kibernetski kriminaliteti.




Matej BreznikMatej Breznik, SI-CERT
Matej Breznik je diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike. Njegovo delo je bilo v preteklosti povezano predvsem s področjem načrtovanja, izvedbe in vodenja telekomunikacijskih sistemov, iskanja rešitev in postavitev informacijske infrastrukture hotelov, vzdrževanje računalniških omrežij in izdelave programskih rešitev. Danes je zaposlen na SI-CERTu, kjer deluje na področju reševanja varnostnih problemov v računalniških omrežjih, ki pogosto zahtevajo tudi mednarodno sodelovanje.




Saša Jušić, Infigo IS d.o.o.
Saša graduated in 2001 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. He was employed in the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing (ZESOI) as an associate on information security projects. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing he managed and actively participated in numerous projects related to planning, testing and assessment of information systems security. Since 2006, he continues his professional career as a senior information security consultant for INFIGO IS. During his professional career, he demonstrated a special interest for security vulnerabilities detection, exploitation and prevention techniques. Within INFIGO IS, Saša is in charge of development and planning of information security technical services, such as penetration tests, forensic analysis, security incident solutions and similar. Saša is a certified information systems auditor (CISA), and also a certified information security specialist (CISSP and CompTIA Security+). Saša has 15 years of experience as an information security expert/consultant.

Nenad AndrejevićNenad Andrejević, Comtrade d.o.o.
Experienced IT professional with twenty years of experience in all phases of implementation, integration and support of complex IT projects, Smart Meter Infrastructure (SMI), Meter Data Management (MDM) and Disaster Recovery (DR) projects to utilities, and local/provincial governments.




Peter KavčičPeter Kavčič, FOV
Peter Kavčič je študent 1. letnika Fakultete za organizacijske vede, smer organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov. Že od malih nog ga zanimajo računalniki, v zadnjem času pa daje poudarek samoizobraževanju in osveščanju drugih o varnosti in nevarnostih spleta in naprav, ki se pri tem uporabljajo. Osredotoča se na opremo, ki jo uporabljajo domači uporabniki.




Brane VasiljevičBrane Vasiljevič, Hic Salta d.o.o.
Brane Vasiljevič ima večletne izkušnje na področju informacijske varnosti. Večino svojega časa posveča izvajanju različnih oblik varnostnih testiranj in uvajanju tehničnihrešitev v podjetjih. Mnogi ga poznajo kot odličnega predavatelja o varnostnih problemihtako na NT konferencah, kot drugih srečanjih informatikov.

Denis Novak, Vestigium d.o.o.
Denis Novak je diplomirani ekonomist. 12 let je delal na Policijski upravi v Kopru, na oddelku za gospodarsko kriminaliteto, 5 let je bil na Generalni policijski upravi v Ljubljani zadolžen za sistemske predloge in operativne kombinacije, ki so se raztezale čez več policijskih uprav. Zdaj je že 4 leta detektiv.


Mitja KolšekMitja Kolšek, Acros d.o.o.
Mitja Kolsek’s last 15 years of career comprise co-leading a small security outfit which ran APT-like attack simulations before China was guilty of everything, using SQL injection before it had a name, and discovering vulnerability types which were previously unknown. In addition to finding and exploiting vulnerabilities, his next 15 years will be augmented by fixing them. Most of all he’d like to leave information security some day in a state where it’ll be seriously difficult to break into a typical network deploying standard and inexpensive security solutions.



Mitja VrečaMitja Vreča, Printec d.o.o.
Mitja Vreča je inženir za strojno in programsko opremo NCR ter Diebold bančnih avtomatov z večletnimi (tudi mednarodnimi) izkušnjami na področju Visa/MasterCard certifikacij, testiranja in integracije. Tekom dela se je srečal tudi s Hypercom, Gemalto, Thales, Ingenico in Verifone POS terminali. Najbolj uživa v prenosu znanj tekom izobraževanj, ki jih sam načrtuje in tudi izvaja.




Jorge SebastiaoJorge Sebastiao, CISSP
ICT Expert and Cloud Practice Leader Huawei
Mr. Sebastiao has been the speaker at numerous international security conferences.
He is seasoned security and ICT professional focused on business value; Jorge brings experience, creativity, structure & innovation to. With over 28 years of ICT experience, covering, information security, managed services, as well as risk management, compliance, auditing, certification, business continuity, and disaster recovery. Served sectors include oil & gas, banking, financial, telecom, government, defense, health care, and education. He created the process A6 of security: Assess, Architect, Apply, Administer, Awareness and Agility. He architects practical & business focused solutions using standards and industry best practices.

Personal Quote “Information security is a continuous skilled process…that requires thought…”

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