Hands on Hacking: Vulnerability Research and Exploit development 

Wednesday, 5th April 2017, 9.00-18.00, Ljubljana, M-Hotel



Educational philosophers have consistently claimed that only by learning something in depth can a person escape from the confusions that commonly accompany a superficial knowledge base. That is why this workshop exist to give the attendance deep knowledge about vulnerabilities trough process of research with discovery and exploit.

Into the training sessions, trainer will make presentation of live demo examples and provide in depth learning of research and exploit techniques. From fuzzing techniques to discover security holes to ROP gadgets and egg-hunters to build shellcode, this workshop will cover all parts that a security researcher must know. The approach will be in learn-by-example methodology. 

Practical exercises in this workshop are labs based on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) lab execution. This means that attendant must bring his own laptop and conduct lab exercises there. 

Minimum requirements for lab exercises at least 25GB HDD space, 4GB RAM memory and installed VMware Player 7.1.2 with ability to run virtual machines. All lab exercises are done on virtual machines (Linux OS and Windows OS) that will be delivered on external media to the attendance at the beginning of the workshop.

Here you can learn how to:

  • Enroll in security research and discover vulnerabilities
  • Breakfront to use and write security research tools is various programing languages
  • Pwned with creation of your custom exploits and feel the real power of hacking 



Part 1: Learning Foundations

  • Architecture of OS and memory space
  • Overflow and Injection basics
  • Local and Remote Vulnerabilities


Part 2: Research and Exploit Vulnerabilities

  • Approach method
  • Way to find a door
  • First doorstep activity
  • Ending infinity
  • Engineering Exploit Code



Target Audience

This workshop will significantly benefit security officers, auditors, security professionals, developers, and anyone who is willing to learn in depth and really understand hacking and want to pen-test custom binaries and exploit custom built applications. All attendances will have opportunity to work as Security Researcher and Exploit Developer.


  •  Understand ethical hacking and its concepts
  •  Basic programming skills
  •  TCP/IP networking skills
  •  Web application security and its vulnerabilities.


All attendances will receive Presentation slides with notes (at the end of the workshop), Knowledge base materials (with interesting articles, suggested exercises etc.), unique tools and scripts with lab exercise manual.


1 day
5th April 2017, 9h-18h (9 hours)



M-Hotel, Ljubljana



At the end participants will receive the Certificate of Achievement signed by the Trainer.



297 € + VAT



Mane Piperevski, Piperevski & Associates
M-r Mane Piperevski is security expert with over 10 years of experience and expertise in field of Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing and ICT Forensics. He works currently as CEO and IT Security Consultant at Piperevski&Associates and he is also contributor to open software security community as OWASP Chapter Leader for Macedonia. Recently published white papers “Hacker Attacks - Undetectable attacks from trojans with reverse communication” and “Hacking Attacks - Security Threats in IPv6 networks”. Holder of numerous security certifications (C|EH, E|CSA, C|HFI, E|CIH, E|CSP .NET, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, C|EI, MCT) and Europe highly ranged Cyber Crime instructor and trainer.



More information:
Kristina Velišček
+386 (0)5 338 48 51



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(Friday, 16.2.2024)

500 €

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Obveščamo vas, da so bili naši pogoji poslovanja posodobljeni.
Sprememba se nanaša na člen »Odpoved ali sprememba dogodka s strani organizatorja«. Zaradi nepredvidenih dogodkov, kot je tudi trenutna epidemija koronavirusa, si pridržujemo pravico, da posamezna izobraževanja odpovemo ali spremenimo termin oz. način izvedbe (online izvedba).

Odpoved ali sprememba dogodka s strani organizatorja
Organizator si pridržuje pravico do odpovedi posameznega izobraževanja, delavnice, dogodka, seminarja ali spremembe terminov oz. načina izvedbe (namesto osebne izvedbe dogodka, izvedba dogodka preko spleta ali na drug način, pri čemer se ključna vsebina in obseg dogodka ne spreminjata oziroma se prilagodita glede na spremembo, npr. zamenjava predavatelja, prilagoditev urnika ipd., vendar se ohrani enakovredna kakovost izvedenega dogodka). Zavezuje se k obvestilu prijavljenim najkasneje en delovni dan pred predvidenim pričetkom izobraževanja oz. takoj, ko prejme novico o morebitnih izrednih dogodkih, ki so razlog za spremembo/odpoved. V primeru odpovedi izobraževanja s strani organizatorja, organizator, morebitno že vplačano kotizacijo, brezobrestno povrne v roku štirinajstih dni od obvestila o odpovedi ali pa omogoči stranki, da kotizacijo porabi za druge izdelke ali storitve. V primeru spremembe načina izvedbe ostanejo plačila v veljavi, v primeru spremembe termina pa ima udeleženec možnost odpovedati udeležbo iz utemeljenih razlogov po določbi Odpoved s strani udeleženca ali pa se odjaviti na način v rokih, ki jih predvideva določba Odjava udeleženca. 

Celotni pogoji poslovanja so dostopni tukaj:

Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z obiskom in uporabo spletne strani soglašate s piškotki.  DOVOLIM Več informacij o piškotkih najdete in nastavitve tukaj.